The #1 solution you need for hyper targeted leads

We help any business, brand or service generate highly targeted leads using Instagram

Do you know who your ideal customer is? And competitors or similar


Find, target & market to a hyper targeted list of potential customers!

We find & generate a list of leads from the best accounts & hashtags in Instagram

You can use the leads for cold outreach or to enhance your marketing through custom Facebook & app audiences

We provide you with a full list delivered at your email after 2-5 days after purchase.

Our Done For You System Will Relieve You Of Your Time, Stress, & Energy It Takes To Generate & Convert Lead By Doing It For You. We Will Generate A Guaranteed Amount Of Leads For You & Manually Follow Up To Convert Them Into Live Transfers For You.

How does it all work?

1. We pull emails from

followers of Instagram


If someone follows a particular page

on Instagram, they're likely into that

niche/category/industry. In other

words, they're highly targeted already.

2. We pull emails from any

hashtag on Instagram.

Hashtags are a goldmine for lead

Example: If someone hash-tagged

#homecooking they're extremely

likely to be interested in your new

cooking book or kitchen products.

Get creative!


Extremely targeted emails - Thanks to Instagram, finding new customers have never been easier. If they follow certain accounts , they're likely interested in your niche/industry/category.

10-30% take rate - If you went through this specific account, you'd end up with ~ 350,000 - 1,000,000+ targeted emails.

Nearly unlimited lead generation - There are millions of users and hashtags on Instagram.

Get creative and get extremely targeted email leads for a highly effective marketing campaign.

Results driven real estate lead generation trusted

by top agents & national brands.


Find & order your best package based on your specific needs. You can cross-combine multiple accounts and hashtags as well.

Up to 35,000 followers/contacts


Up to 125,00 followers/contacts


Up to 195,000 followers/contacts


Up to 435,000 followers/contacts


Up to 900,000 followers/contacts


Up to 1.5m followers/contacts


Customer InfoWhere Should We Ship It?
Billing InfoOrder Info

Important: Lead pull-up is based on public follower/contact data. If the followers/contacts have emails, they will be added to the database, if not, they are going to be be emty.

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